To begin I shall start with a county that has much to offer, Madison County. If this sounds familiar that's because it is the same Madison County that has been immortalized in the book and film The Bridges of Madison County. There were originally 19 bridges in the county, but only 6 remain today. They have been well cared for and are beautiful to see. If you time your visit just right you could go to the festival that is held every year on the second full weekend in October were you can immerse yourself in history through tours of the bridges, old-time craft demonstrations, and several other activities. For more information here is the link to the county's website: http://www.madisoncounty.com/

This county also has another claim to fame for people who love old western movies, it is the location of the birth place of John Wayne. His childhood house still stands and is a must see for anyone who calls themselves a fan. If interested in visiting more information is available here: http://www.johnwaynebirthplace.org/
1 comment:
I've never seen Bridges of Madison County, but I do love covered bridges! Who cares for them?
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